FAQ / Notes
This section was created to document some of the behavior in SDE.
How are Batches handled in SDE?
If Batch Entry is enabled for a data entry program in Sage 100, SDE will retrieve and assign the next batch for that data entry program. For example, if your Resource is associated with the business object “AR_Invoice_BUS”, and batches are enabled in Accounts Receivable Options, then SDE will assign the next batch number to your post.
Only one batch per day is created for a given data entry program. So if your website is creating several invoices a day through SDE, they will all be posted into a single batch. The batch will have the current date and the comment “SDE”.
What happens when a post to Sales Order contains an item that doesn't exist in Sage 100?
If the item does not exist in your Sage 100 system, then the Sales Order line will not be created. Most SDE users want to accept that line on the order though, and correct it themselves in Sales Order Entry. An option can be turned on in the SDE Configuration file, “SY106_SDE.INI”, in the MAS90\SY folder. The “convertToSpecialItem” item should be set to “true”. This will change the item being posted to a Special Item, which can be changed later.
What can I do if my customer constantly posts address lines that are longer than Sage allows?
An option can be turned on in the SDE Configuration file, “SY106_SDE.INI”, in the MAS90\SY folder. The “checkStringLength” item can be set to “true” for any field in the business objects' main table. This will change the trim the incoming string, address lines in this case, to the length allowed by Sage 100.