When the core system has been changed, we conceder it an enhancement to the system. It is usually changed to modify how the system functions or to simplify the steps needed to accomplish things. MBA Business Software has been a developer of enhancements to systems since its creation. We understand that not everything fits exactly right when you buy it. Therefor, we custom tailor the software to fit each one of our customers based on their needs. Occasionally we will see the same functionality or enhancement being requested and this website will document those enhancements that we have chosen that we felt would be useful to other customers.
Code named Wizwurks, our developers, can create enhancements for your system and make it work the way you want. This site provides some common enhancements that we have decided to share with other customers that we feel are generic. That doesn't mean we can't change it. Let us know what you want and we can make it work the way you want it.